The CaSeS for CASE

Different text cases are used in various contexts such as programming, writing, and branding. Understanding each case will help you choose the appropriate one for your needs.

"The Cases for Case" text superimposed on top of scrabble letters. Looks good.

Different text cases are used in various contexts such as programming, writing, and branding. Understanding each case will help you choose the appropriate one for your needs.

This article acts primarily as a cheat sheet for me to use during the workday and such.

Name Example When to Use
Snake Case snake_case Common in Python for variable and function names
Screaming Snake Case SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE Constants in Python and Rust
Camel Case camelCase Common in other programming languages for variables
Pascal Case PascalCase Classes in Python, Rust and other OOP languages
Lower Case lowercase SQL for keywords, general programming
Upper Case UPPERCASE SQL for emphasis on SQL commands, constants in programming
Kebab Case kebab-case Rare in programming, used in URLs and web development
Constant Case CONSTANT_CASE Constants in programming, similar to screaming snake case
Train Case Train-Case Non-standard, similar to kebab case with capital letters
Dot Case Configurations and properties files
Camel Snake Case camel_Snake_Case Rare, hybrid use cases in programming
Pascal Snake Case Pascal_Snake_Case Rare, hybrid use cases in programming
Path Case path/case File paths and URLs
Title Case Title Case Document titles and headers
Sentence Case Sentence case Comments and documentation in code
Screaming Kebab Case SCREAMING-KEBAB-CASE Rarely used, could be for emphatic URL components
Flat Case flatcase Rarely used, can be for system-specific naming schemes
No Case nocase Rarely used, specific system identifiers
Sponge Case sPoNgEcAsE Non-standard, often used humorously or in memes